
The purpose of the seminar series is to offer a platform to present and discuss cutting-edge research across various disciplines related to the thematic area of RESINNREG and cutting across our three pillars related to responsible industry innovation, green innovation and innovation in the public sector.

We would like to invite you to the following INNOFF seminar hosted
online by UiS on the 10th November 2021 from kl 11 to 12.

NEON 2021


Hvordan organisere for en bærekraftig fremtid?

I 2021 utforskes innovasjon, tillit og kontroll 16.-17. september i Arendal. Det som særlig diskuteres er:

In the coming weeks, TROPICO is organising digital Online Series 2020 - Collaborating for Digital Transformation - Achievements, Challenges and Future Solutions. On behalf of the TROPICO team, I would like to invite you to join us at this event.